Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Hoggies Abroad
Bhutan and India

Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Bhutan-India Studies Program
The Political Science Program at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK), with the assistance of the University’s Division of International Studies & Programs, is pleased to introduce the Bhutan-India Studies Program (BISP) - a collaborative initiative between TAMUK, Royal Thimphu College (RTC), Bhutan (https://www.rtc.bt/) and DelhiByLocals (DBL), India, a pioneering non-governmental organization (http://www.delhibylocals.com/).
The BISP is co-directed by Dr. Nirmal Goswami, Professor of Political Science (TAMUK) and Dr. Samir Patel, RTC. Mr. Pradeep Kumar, DBL, is the co-facilitator for the India segment.
The BISP students will be traveling to Bhutan and India in May-June, 2019, attending classes at RTC and visiting various field sites in western Bhutan. Areas of focus include history, politics, economics, culture, sustainability and environmental policies, etc., of Bhutan and the wider South Asian region. In India, students will be attending presentations by the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Embassy in India about development programs and US-Indian relations. A variety of cultural and social experiences, in partnership DBL, is a major component of the India portion of the Program.